Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Well for those of you on the edges of your seat (ALL OF YOU....both of you), we've set the date for September 12, 2009 and the wedding will be in Grand Bend/Bayfield, Ontario. There's a small chance that date may still change, but it seems unlikely at this point. More details as we get them.

I took the dogs (yea, we've got the dogs all moved in at this point) on a walk on Sunday and I'm glad I brought my camera because I was once again struck by the beauty of this area and how much can be found within 15minute walk from home. They *love* to go swimming, ever since we went in the lake at Sauble, and so I took them behind Tunnel Mountain (the stupidly small one right next to town) to a little beach on a winding bend of an offshoot of the Bow River. Was very nice.

August 10 9

August 10 4

August 10

In other news, aren't the Olympics great?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

All good news, I promise

Hello again,

So, as Noah mentioned, the last few weeks have been exciting ones for Noah and I!

First of all, as Noah mentioned, we got a new apartment! There are pros and cons associated with this endeavour, however. Here are a few:

Pro: 2 times the space!
Con: 2 times the rent

Pro: Real BBQ on the deck!
Con: Having to pay for our own power

Pro: Tiny view of Cascade!
Con: Mostly a view of the bus parking ot

Pro: We have a fully furnished guest room and a wood burning fireplace!
Con: We traded our private forest backyard for a downtown locale

Yes... no where is perfect. But this place is close. There is so much space for us, and it's pet / piano friendly, so my two little monsters have finally made the move to Banff to live with Noah and I. We're in the works to get my upright piano moved out here, as well, but that's a bit harder to move than 2 20-pound dogs.

Also, as mentioned, we have a fully furnished guestroom, and we really hope that people feel free to use it. Vacationing in Banff is hard to do for some, but hopefully our having this lovely mini-hotel will help you make the right decision and COME SEE US!

Here are some pictures of the new place:

The lovely kitchen; complete with more cabinets than ever seen before

Living Room and Deck, with BBQ

Living Room and Wood-burning Fireplace

View from the front door


Our room

Next, the other big news: Noah proposed on the last day of July, and I said... sure. Apparently. I recall saying "Yes!", but it's all a bit of a blur. I guess Noah decided to do it after I left Ontario to come back to Alberta without him; he bought the ring (and picked it all by himself), and was waiting for the perfect moment, but having it hidden in the house was apparently a lot like the tell-tale heart in the room; everytime he looked at his underwear drawer, he was SURE i knew that he was up to something. So he invited me to hike up Tunnel Mountain after I finished work one day, and dropped to one knee (after scaring me into thinking that he was going yell at me; this was not the case). Attached is the picture after the big event happened!

Flashing the shinies!

That's about it for me for now. Everything is coming together right about now, and as we get closer to figuring more out about the planned nuptials, we'll DEFINITELY let you know!

Friday, August 08, 2008

Finally! Back in the swing

What a few weeks! Just amazing! I have been so busy that posting a new blog has just been the last thing on my mind. Never fear! I, obviously, am doing one now!

The vacation was just amazing; 5 weeks was a great length. Makes me not want to take a short 1-week vacation ever again :p The thing was, it took a few days to just get into vacation mode. Usually, in 1-week vacations, this is about 1/2 your vacation time. Can't wait to do it again.

So I returned to Banff with Bob and spent a couple days re-adjusting to being in Banff and attempting to find out what went wrong/didn't work out/flooded/exploded while I was away (for the record, nothing did!). Then I drove him to the airport in Calgary far too early in the morning, came back, and started up with moving.

Yep, if you haven't heard, Bonnie and I got a new place; she found it while I was still in ontario and we are now living in it. Unfortunately, we still have a lot of cleaning to do in the old place (isn't moving-out the worst? moving-in is fun, but moving out..ugh) Anyway, it definitely wasn't very big so it shouldn't take too much longer.

Hey, speaking of Bonnie, if you haven't heard, we're engaged! Funny how that happens. We've set the date for sometime in September '09 and the wedding will be taking place (hopefully) in or aroudn Grand Bend, Ontario. Bonnie's got an entire post in the works about this event and the new place, so I won't spoil any more about it here.

So life is returning to normal (and rapidly moving away from "normal" at the same time) and, overall, it's good to be back. I've got a huge backlog of pictures (as you might expect), so I'll just be putting a bunch in for the next few posts. These are all pictures in Ontario and credits go out to Aaron, Andy, and Pratik for some of them. Enjoy!

Bruce Trail

From Old Baldy

At Old Baldy

Sunset on the Trail

Dove Near Lion's Head

Barrow Bay