Monday, May 28, 2007

Oh! The humanity!

It is definitely springtime out here. We got leaves on most of the trees and nearly every day is reasonably warm and comfortable. Took an afternoon nap today with all the windows open :D

Of course, we'll forget about last weekend when we had 4 inches of snow - that hardly counts.

Anyway I'll try to get and post some pics because it's really beautiful. Green and summery down in town, white and wintery up on the mountains still. I wish it would melt up there - a few of us are planning a long series of summits and we'd like to get started on it all. Most mountains still just have too much snow on top to seriously consider getting to the top still. Should be some awesome pictures from that. And good work-outs.

I go into Calgary tomorrow for LASIK - wowowow. Will update on that for sure after it's all done.

And finally, I have tried to keep the political commentary on this blog to a minimum with reasonable success but was informed of something by the Calgary Herald this morning about which I simply cannot keep quiet. There are certain basic, god-given and inalienable human rights that should never be taken from decent, contributing members of any society. Perhaps it should be no surprise that Sweden, with it's track record of abuse of the worst kind, should once again find itself square in the middle of a human rights violation the likes of which make Darfur and Abu Ghraib seem like children's parties.

I find myself unable to speak eloquently about this blight on humanity, so I will post the link and allow you to read for yourself about the unspeakable cruelty imposed on a poor group of Swedish inmates.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

An epic saga ends!

Well roughly 7 months and 10 days after arriving here in Banff, I finally have my car registered in Canada. I am now a professional circus animal and can jump through more hoops than you can imagine. Please be kind. If you enjoy the show leave a tip.

Funny that it took 1/2 my time out here to get my car legal. *sigh*

In other news, my climbing fascination continues. Went out again today for a few hours in between jobs. Was a beautiful day that would have been absolutely baking hot if not for a nice wind blowing thorugh. I'm actually surprised i didn't get really burned out there. It's such a wonderful spring.

Also, I booked a LASIK appointment for the eye corrective surgery. It's on May 30 (pending the consultation on Monday). Shazam! Huzzah!! POtentially 14 more days as a glasses-wearer.

So there was a controlled burn less than a mile from town today. Bonnie called me laughing about it. It was taking place on the other side of the mountain we were climbing, so we couldn't see it and had no idea it was there and then we came around the face to go home and the whole town was covered in smoke and ash was blowing in my car and holy crap. That's close enough to a huge fire for me thanks.

And finally some more pics!!! Lovin' this large size

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Sunday, May 13, 2007

Spring is here - at least for now

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Wednesday, May 09, 2007


By the way. I changed photo storage sites and realized that the new one makes the pictures gigantic!! Awesome!!

The Climb


So that previously mentioned first rock climb went off well!! We went to a place in Kananaskis (just south of here). "We" in this case was myself and Bonnie and our illustrious guides: Tracey and Anthony.

It was SO COOL. I can tell this is going to be something of an addiction.

What we did is sport climbing. Picture the gym, and then take it outside. Somebody previously has gone up the rocks and put bolts in it with rings in them for threading rope through. Then somebody climbs up and makes the "route" and we all follow it within about a meter either side of leeway for exploring and picking your route and stuff. The climbers doing the insane stuff you see on magazines and what not are putting their own bolts in as they go (and clearing them afterwards). That's not for now.


Anyway I did some research online quickly and discovered about a dozen places within an hour's drive of the cottage so...that's cool too!! Now I just have to learn all i can this summer, do it 100 more times, and be able enough to come back home and find a buddy or teach somebody else.

Of course I'd have to buy the remaining equipment too...but that's another story entirely.

Anyway, the pictures!!

We'll start with some gratuitous scenery shots
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I'm not sure I like the fact that the only thing between me and death is that mischevious grin
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Bonnie's first steps
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Yea. So? What's up?
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And my first steps...
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What happened to gravity?
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Ok that's all the pictures on the ground. The rest are....higher....
We'll start with some perspective
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Feet ON the "ground", honey!
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I'm already adjusting to the fact that what she is standing on is considered a "large" step
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And some more perspective. This time with me!
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Look at those calves!!
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Check the foot placements again. So tiny! What a funny picture!
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Going again on Friday. Can't wait

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Time for a new sport!


Bonnie gave me her birthday presents and guess what she got me?!?!

Cool house stuff, XBox games, and........


SO we went out and i bought some climbing shoes for myself and now I'm all set to go. Anthony helped her buy the harness and so, knowing i have one, Tracy and he set up a climbing outing tomorrow. So off to Kananaskis we're going to try some outdoor climbing!!

Going to be so fun. Huzzah!!!!

Will let you all know how it went and post some pics tomorrow or the next day