Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Back with a blast!

So I'm all moved out of my place that I was subletting. All my stuff is currently in that staff acoom that I was in originally, but I'm not staying there myself. In the hotel with Bonnie tonight!

To sum up something else: everything about Paul (the guy i was subletting from) is a nightmare. Done and done.

Anyway here's the blast!!

I'm coming home in April!! Looking at April 16th for at least a week. With Bonnie. Make your plans!! :D

Friday, January 12, 2007

Where's Goldfinger when you need him?

I went to the library today, as I have several days in the past. This time I was hopeful; I thought this time would be different. Maybe, just maybe, I would actually be able to check out books this time, and not simply walk in once in a while to chat with the librarians and gaze at the lovely late-70s architecture and decoration. Alas, it was not to be. Once again, I was denied a library card. This time I need proof of street address. *sigh* Last time it was a note from work. The time before that it was proof of residency in Banff (ie. a paystub).

I think I may give up on them. Their library cards are apparently made of government secrets.

In other news, I got a Post Office Box today! Wootness! My new address for all items is:

Noah Borin
PO Box 5002
Banff, AB T1L 1G2

I don't like the postal code - it's not as catchy. However I do like being able to check my mail whenever I like.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Big News!

What could possibly be big news?!? Well first, I've been skiing twice in the last 2 days - excellent!

Yesterday I went for about 1.5 hours to norquay after work, which was just a nice oppurtunity to get back on the skis after a big break. Today Tracy and I got up at 7:30 to hit the hill for opening.

Tracy, for those that don't know, is Anthony's girlfriend recently back in town from Australia. Anthony, my ski instructor friend who I met at the internet cafe, has turned roughneck on the oil rigs up north and is out of town for a few more days. i think he's back on Thursday, actually. Anyway, we went up to Sunshine today...

You may remember my earlier rant about the misnomer that is Sunshine Ski Resort - what a sham!! Well today was my first sunny day out there and man was it spectacular. We actually were able to watch the sunrise from the top of the ski hill at 9,200ft. We've also had an incredible amoutn of snow (australians apparently call lots of snow falling "puking". Crazy aussies. Little culture moment for you all). ...anywya, we've had an incredible amount of snow and we had fresh powder to run through right through to when we left at about 1:30. Easily one of the best 2 or 3 days I've had on the hill so far.

Then I weent over to TRs (Tony Roma's) for a manager meeting with our newly formed, full complement of managers. Apparently, this store has never had a full manager staff in its 3 year history, so our bosses are pretty excited about the possibilities now. The meeting was several hours long and it was great to get a lot of stuff said and out on the table for everybody. I'm excited about a few things too:

1 - We have a plan and the capabilithy to execute it. Our business should be great this year.

2 - Trudy is ordering business cards with my name on them

3 - The odds of me needing to go to Calgary for 5 - 6 weeks are rapidly approaching slim-to-none.

4 - I'm going to be salaried soon! Probably within a couple pay periods.

So that's all cool....and stuff.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Happy New Year

Hey everybody,

One week in to January and, keeping up with the pace of life out here, many things are new and different again. Though one thing does promise to stay the same : it's still bloody cold and likely to get colder. It also continues to snow. Man...

Bonnie and I went for our mutual Christmas present on Wednesday: dog sledding! yes! i said dog sledding! Man was it great. We took a lot of pictures, but they're all on a disposable camera and so haven't been able to develop and upload them yet. Something to look forward to in any case.

I made my biggest mistake yet in terms of work today too (or so I think). I didn't do the beer order correctly and so we are now extremely low in terms of what we have stocked and I'm working towards and early delivery date. Ack! Hopefully we make it through the weekend. My boss just kinda smirked and shook his head. Otherwise, things are going quite well I think.

I haven't gone skiing in 2 weeks now. We're just finishing up the busiest time of the season and I didn't feel like going and waiting in lines. A few days ago Sunshine had a line of parked cars over 5km long. I'm not sure why you'd even go at that point. Not only are you waiting obscenely long to get on the lifts, but you have to dodge people all the way down. Sounds crappy. Looking forward to getting out there again.

Bonnie and I had a surprise for New Years. As it turns out, I finished my work that originally needed doing after close on new Years Eve in the morning, and so was able to take the night off. I drove in to Cochrane and surprised her, and then managed to squeak the 2 of us and her parents into a nice little cafe for a phenomenal New Years dinner full of great food and conversation.

On the bad news side, Rowan and I aren't going to be able to stay in the place we're in now. The landlord needs to let people on the waiting list take the room when the lease is up in February (we're currently subletting) instead of us. Makes sense - some people have been waiting nearly a year to get in here. Moving is just so annoying.