bonnie, bodacious banffite
yes, it's me again! long time no chat, so i figured i'd make a post and reassure deb that not only is noah alive, but that i am, too.
i hesitated for a second writing "banffite". not because i'm doubting my 'allegiance' to banff or anything, but because i recently found out that people who live in our neighbouring town in the bow valley, canmore, are called "canMORONs". seriously. now i'm afraid to ask what people in banff are called. "banffdiots"? who knows.
anyway, things are going well for me! i'm hitting my 6 month anniversary at work come march 5th, which means my long awaited probation period is over, and i'll get an extra $1.50/hour. on top of this, we just voted in a new payraise, and i've just applied for a slight promotion, so hopefully i'll almost be making as much as i was with my government job!
the promotion that i applied for is a combination of the job i do now (program coordinator) and the addition of desktop publishing. we have been looking for someone for this spot since november... but back then i was a bit too overwhelmed. i was a green 3 months into a new job with a new company, doubling my workload with 3 people having quit in a 1 month period, and effectively becoming the "most experienced" program coordinator responsible for training the new people starting the next week.
with the new job, i would have 3 programs to run (instead of the 8 i have now) and 3 programs to desktop publish-- which is the formatting and styling of all printed materials that are sent to a course. this appeals to my nerdy, computer-loving soul in ways that are kind of embarrassing, and even if it were for that reason alone, i hope i get it :-)
in other news, i've started working out 3-4 times a week as i'm trying to get my asthma under control without a silly little puffer... so i've started swimming. the first week, i could only do 1 front crawl before i had to switch to a rest stroke... and now i'm up to 7! i also just finished a 6 week spin class (bikes with weights), and it was pretty intense. glad i'm done, but at the same time, wow was it effective. i might sign up for the next one, which runs in april. i don't really know that i have a goal, "numbers wise", but i do know that i would like to be able to do a few simple scrambles with noah this summer without having to fight my asthma every hundred feet.
other than that, things are status quo. i'll finish up the post with a few pictures from the "Arthur Family Murder Mystery" that noah and i participated in a few weeks ago. noah was "Norm Boring, sleazy agent to the stars who mysteriously was carrying a gun and could identify bombs". i was "Beebee, pop singing sensation that everyone wanted a piece of... but no one could be That dumb for real... could they?"

i hesitated for a second writing "banffite". not because i'm doubting my 'allegiance' to banff or anything, but because i recently found out that people who live in our neighbouring town in the bow valley, canmore, are called "canMORONs". seriously. now i'm afraid to ask what people in banff are called. "banffdiots"? who knows.
anyway, things are going well for me! i'm hitting my 6 month anniversary at work come march 5th, which means my long awaited probation period is over, and i'll get an extra $1.50/hour. on top of this, we just voted in a new payraise, and i've just applied for a slight promotion, so hopefully i'll almost be making as much as i was with my government job!
the promotion that i applied for is a combination of the job i do now (program coordinator) and the addition of desktop publishing. we have been looking for someone for this spot since november... but back then i was a bit too overwhelmed. i was a green 3 months into a new job with a new company, doubling my workload with 3 people having quit in a 1 month period, and effectively becoming the "most experienced" program coordinator responsible for training the new people starting the next week.
with the new job, i would have 3 programs to run (instead of the 8 i have now) and 3 programs to desktop publish-- which is the formatting and styling of all printed materials that are sent to a course. this appeals to my nerdy, computer-loving soul in ways that are kind of embarrassing, and even if it were for that reason alone, i hope i get it :-)
in other news, i've started working out 3-4 times a week as i'm trying to get my asthma under control without a silly little puffer... so i've started swimming. the first week, i could only do 1 front crawl before i had to switch to a rest stroke... and now i'm up to 7! i also just finished a 6 week spin class (bikes with weights), and it was pretty intense. glad i'm done, but at the same time, wow was it effective. i might sign up for the next one, which runs in april. i don't really know that i have a goal, "numbers wise", but i do know that i would like to be able to do a few simple scrambles with noah this summer without having to fight my asthma every hundred feet.
other than that, things are status quo. i'll finish up the post with a few pictures from the "Arthur Family Murder Mystery" that noah and i participated in a few weeks ago. noah was "Norm Boring, sleazy agent to the stars who mysteriously was carrying a gun and could identify bombs". i was "Beebee, pop singing sensation that everyone wanted a piece of... but no one could be That dumb for real... could they?"