A New Home! And A Pain In The Ass! (Bun Intended....HAHAHAHAHA)
So we'll start with the new place!! Had a bit of a housewarming party and invited Anthony, Tracy, and Tom by for drinks, bruschetta, and an attempt at sushi. Bonnie and I were very excited to try our various sushi paraphenalia that we got for Christmas. We were also thrilled that thanks to the help of Tom the night before for about 1.5 hours, we were done moving and unpacking by 3 and done shopping for it by about 4:30. How's that for a move?!?! We had a home on the first day.
The pictures were from the little party. I want the first picture of my place to look like a place people are having fun in and not some kind of pristine museum. It is actually much cleaner.
Little background on the place. A "real" family in a "real" house lives above me. It's way up on the mountain on the side of town, very quiet, and in a very nice neighborhood. Out my window (when it's light, obviously) I have a great lookout over the town of Banff and a large part of the Bow Valley all the way back to the Fairholme Range on the far side. It's just stunning. Can you believe I've lived in the mountains for 4 months now and have never had a view of them from my place? Anyway, without further ado:
The Cast

We're in the living room/kitchen area

A bad picture of the bathroom. Those paint marks generally don't look NEARLY that bad. Recognize the towel Betsy?

ZOMG!!! I HAVE A LAUNDRY ROOM!!!! (by the way, for all the non-computer geeks out there, "ZOMG" is pronounced "zoh my god"). I haven't had a laundry room since my first house in unversity. And living with Dad.

My "hallway". Bedroom behind me, laundry ahead, bathroom on the right, kitchen/living on the left

A terrible picture of the bedroom. What i really like is that this whole place has that little ledge around all the rooms for my knick-knacks. And god knows (pun also intended), Banff has a lot of knick-knacks.

Here we are attempting sushi!! Thanks for the set. We need practice

Well there's the place!! I'll get some daylight shots as soon as I'm able and a shot of the view and surrounding area. Definitely amongst the best in town for residences. Also a big thanks to Tracy, Anthony, Bonnie, Tom, and Rowan for all your help with the move and the crap with Paul.
In other news (and completing the pun in the name of this post) I attempted snowboarding at Sunshine the other day. It is, without a doubt, the most painful thing i've ever put myself through. Even more-so than waterskiing (which was the previous champ). You're supposed to heel-toe to carve down the hill; i definitely preffered the face-ass method where I fell on my face, then on my ass, then i repeated 100 times. Here are some pics to mark the occasion because it will never happen again. I am defintely confused as to why anybody ever goes snowboarding twice.
This is me in my usual orientation

I look great! Next stop - Vancouver 2010

Anthony said he was teaching me, but now that I look at this picture....I need to talk to him

There's my girl looking all pro! Uber-pro even!

Skiers hate snowboarders who have to sit down and strap in all the time. Bonus!! Because you're strapped in, the board doesn't come off and you bounce around like a rag doll when you fall over

Riding the chairlift ride!

And some gratuitous sunshine shots to finish off the set. Until next time

The pictures were from the little party. I want the first picture of my place to look like a place people are having fun in and not some kind of pristine museum. It is actually much cleaner.
Little background on the place. A "real" family in a "real" house lives above me. It's way up on the mountain on the side of town, very quiet, and in a very nice neighborhood. Out my window (when it's light, obviously) I have a great lookout over the town of Banff and a large part of the Bow Valley all the way back to the Fairholme Range on the far side. It's just stunning. Can you believe I've lived in the mountains for 4 months now and have never had a view of them from my place? Anyway, without further ado:
The Cast

We're in the living room/kitchen area

A bad picture of the bathroom. Those paint marks generally don't look NEARLY that bad. Recognize the towel Betsy?

ZOMG!!! I HAVE A LAUNDRY ROOM!!!! (by the way, for all the non-computer geeks out there, "ZOMG" is pronounced "zoh my god"). I haven't had a laundry room since my first house in unversity. And living with Dad.

My "hallway". Bedroom behind me, laundry ahead, bathroom on the right, kitchen/living on the left

A terrible picture of the bedroom. What i really like is that this whole place has that little ledge around all the rooms for my knick-knacks. And god knows (pun also intended), Banff has a lot of knick-knacks.

Here we are attempting sushi!! Thanks for the set. We need practice

Well there's the place!! I'll get some daylight shots as soon as I'm able and a shot of the view and surrounding area. Definitely amongst the best in town for residences. Also a big thanks to Tracy, Anthony, Bonnie, Tom, and Rowan for all your help with the move and the crap with Paul.
In other news (and completing the pun in the name of this post) I attempted snowboarding at Sunshine the other day. It is, without a doubt, the most painful thing i've ever put myself through. Even more-so than waterskiing (which was the previous champ). You're supposed to heel-toe to carve down the hill; i definitely preffered the face-ass method where I fell on my face, then on my ass, then i repeated 100 times. Here are some pics to mark the occasion because it will never happen again. I am defintely confused as to why anybody ever goes snowboarding twice.
This is me in my usual orientation

I look great! Next stop - Vancouver 2010

Anthony said he was teaching me, but now that I look at this picture....I need to talk to him

There's my girl looking all pro! Uber-pro even!

Skiers hate snowboarders who have to sit down and strap in all the time. Bonus!! Because you're strapped in, the board doesn't come off and you bounce around like a rag doll when you fall over

Riding the chairlift ride!

And some gratuitous sunshine shots to finish off the set. Until next time

Noah, the pics are great. I can't wait for the outside ones now. And I can't wait to visit it in person. Hope you don't get tired of me cause I really am planning on coming back, I loved it. Hey, saw on the news there's a house on the Bow River for sale, a mere ten million +, check it out for me will you please? Thanks. Hey do you have a window in your bedroom? Pretty dark in there. And the pictures of Sunshine . . wow, I was there! I don't understand snowboarding either. Watched Bets when she first started and she did the face in the snow thing repeatedly. Laughed my head off. Never saw anything so funny. Send the list of needed items. I already thought of one. Do you have Zehrs/Loblaws out there or Ikea??
Love you
wOOt!! Way to be a punk snowboarder!!
Ok, with my glasses I can see that there is a window in the bedroom. It looks like a great little place. And how wonderful, your own laundry room. So what's the temp out there, can't tell from Calgary. We are sooooo cold here it's crazy. -22C at night and not much warmer when I get to my bus. And blizzards for the past four days at the cottage. Can't wait to see it this weekend.
I had a similar snowboarding experience in high school... I just got really sore, but the guy who was trying it with me lost a tooth and bruised up his face! We immediately switched to skis.
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