It's been a while!
Well it's been a while, but a lot has happened. Or at least one big thing...
I got a place! Long story short - buddy/coworker had to leave town quickly for a great oppurtunity in Ontario and he gave me his place to sublet. So now Rowan and I are living here, with Bonnie here part time. Not bad! Pictures as soon as it's not a disaster.
To make it better, he left so quickly (under 24 hours) that we get to keep all his stuff for at least a couple months. TVs, stereos, brand new! No more internet cafe for me!!
The only catch is it *may* be temporary (few months only) in case he comes back. I don't think he will however. If he doens't, we'll just keep subletting and he'll ship his stuff back to Ontario or wherever he goes. If he does, people leave town in droves in Spring, so finding a place should be pretty easy. Just another move (grrr).
IN other news, Christmas is coming up and this town is getting busier. Actually getting stuff to do at work! Amazing! Unfortunately, I'm working a lot of day shifts that interfere with skiing time, so I haven't been able to go until today (been about a week). Today was a beautiful, bluebird day (no clouds) and a great temperature with about a foot of newfallen snow. It doesn't get any better than that. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to go to Sunshine or Lake Louise after work, and had to go to Norquay. Norquay is basically Ontario skiing in bigger mountains. Solid ice, especally today. It's an extremely steep mountain, so snow doesn't stick as well, and it's lower in elevation than the other ones. I pretty much had to bomb all the runs today. Was great fun at incredibly high speed, just not what I usually look for. Nice to get out though, it felt great.
Rowan has a couple friends in town and yesterday he decided that we should take them up Tunnel Mountain. Tunnel is a short hike on a small mountain right in town. In good conditions, I can do it in 25-35 minutes depending on where i start and how fast i want to go. Pretty simple. In all that snow it took significantly longer, but we did get some great pictures of Banff and the Bow Valley. Was another beautiful day yesterday as well, as you can see.

I got a place! Long story short - buddy/coworker had to leave town quickly for a great oppurtunity in Ontario and he gave me his place to sublet. So now Rowan and I are living here, with Bonnie here part time. Not bad! Pictures as soon as it's not a disaster.
To make it better, he left so quickly (under 24 hours) that we get to keep all his stuff for at least a couple months. TVs, stereos, brand new! No more internet cafe for me!!
The only catch is it *may* be temporary (few months only) in case he comes back. I don't think he will however. If he doens't, we'll just keep subletting and he'll ship his stuff back to Ontario or wherever he goes. If he does, people leave town in droves in Spring, so finding a place should be pretty easy. Just another move (grrr).
IN other news, Christmas is coming up and this town is getting busier. Actually getting stuff to do at work! Amazing! Unfortunately, I'm working a lot of day shifts that interfere with skiing time, so I haven't been able to go until today (been about a week). Today was a beautiful, bluebird day (no clouds) and a great temperature with about a foot of newfallen snow. It doesn't get any better than that. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to go to Sunshine or Lake Louise after work, and had to go to Norquay. Norquay is basically Ontario skiing in bigger mountains. Solid ice, especally today. It's an extremely steep mountain, so snow doesn't stick as well, and it's lower in elevation than the other ones. I pretty much had to bomb all the runs today. Was great fun at incredibly high speed, just not what I usually look for. Nice to get out though, it felt great.
Rowan has a couple friends in town and yesterday he decided that we should take them up Tunnel Mountain. Tunnel is a short hike on a small mountain right in town. In good conditions, I can do it in 25-35 minutes depending on where i start and how fast i want to go. Pretty simple. In all that snow it took significantly longer, but we did get some great pictures of Banff and the Bow Valley. Was another beautiful day yesterday as well, as you can see.

i thought places like that only existed in paintings. you're one lucky guy!
that must be you in one picture with the red wings logo on the jacket back. look forward to seeing you. making the reservations right now.
I saw FOUR DEER on campus last night!!!!!! CRAZY!!!!
Merry Christmas!!!!111one
Yay for more pictures! And congrats on the new place--hope it works out.
Happy holidays to you and Bonnie. =)
Well, everyone, I'll be the first out there. Made my reservations today and going on the 15th of January. I'm so excited. HERE I COME HONEY!!!!!!
Noah, those pictures are beautiful. I'm glad you're doing well, kiss my darling Bons for me and have a great holiday,
the pictures look awesome noah. i don't have your phone number out there, otherwise i'd give you a call to wish you a merry christmas. give me your number!!!
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