Yet more pictures!
As promised, I have some more pictures from Cory Pass, as well as Bow Falls, and a couple pictures of work! huzzah!
Ness made a comment on the last post about the lack of people. In truth, we were not completely alone, we just took pictures with no other people in them. There were 2 other couples doing the hike with us and we all passed and got passed by each other most of the way up. On the way down, Rowan and I were almost completely alone for about 5 or 6 of the 7km of the hike (the first km, at the bottom, is very popular. After that it seems people get turned off by the steepness of the trail)
I'm going to forego captions on most of these and let the pictures speak for themselves

That last one there is an attempt to show how steep the trail was in an average section. It got steeper, it (barely ever) got less steep.
Next up, the lounge at work. The restuarant is divided into 2 sections by the hotel lobby. The lounge, I think, is far nicer (not that the rest of the restuarant isn't very nice). Sorry the pictures are so dark, but I had to take them quickly before any customers came in. In any case, this is where I've been bartending. And yes, we do turn that fireplace on.

Next up is a few pictures from Bow Falls, which Josh and I went to on the last day he was here in Banff. As you can see, the weather wasn't nearly as nice as some of the other hiking shots, but I think it still had a certain beauty to it.
This one was taken from the very bottom. There are several different cataracts on the way.

The Bow Valley

More Bow Valley

The top falls

Yea..we were climbing along this. :p

That's the famous Banff Springs Hotel in the background there. Nice views from the rooms I'm sure

In other news, I got my piano power cord in the mail today, so I'll be able to play some more. Whoopee. Also I have another week of serving to go at work, my boss is very determined that I get this job down and become one of the best servers there before continuing. He seems generally happy with what I've done thus far though, and I'm certainly happy to keep making $50-$100 tax free per night.
Ness made a comment on the last post about the lack of people. In truth, we were not completely alone, we just took pictures with no other people in them. There were 2 other couples doing the hike with us and we all passed and got passed by each other most of the way up. On the way down, Rowan and I were almost completely alone for about 5 or 6 of the 7km of the hike (the first km, at the bottom, is very popular. After that it seems people get turned off by the steepness of the trail)
I'm going to forego captions on most of these and let the pictures speak for themselves

That last one there is an attempt to show how steep the trail was in an average section. It got steeper, it (barely ever) got less steep.
Next up, the lounge at work. The restuarant is divided into 2 sections by the hotel lobby. The lounge, I think, is far nicer (not that the rest of the restuarant isn't very nice). Sorry the pictures are so dark, but I had to take them quickly before any customers came in. In any case, this is where I've been bartending. And yes, we do turn that fireplace on.

Next up is a few pictures from Bow Falls, which Josh and I went to on the last day he was here in Banff. As you can see, the weather wasn't nearly as nice as some of the other hiking shots, but I think it still had a certain beauty to it.
This one was taken from the very bottom. There are several different cataracts on the way.

The Bow Valley

More Bow Valley

The top falls

Yea..we were climbing along this. :p

That's the famous Banff Springs Hotel in the background there. Nice views from the rooms I'm sure

In other news, I got my piano power cord in the mail today, so I'll be able to play some more. Whoopee. Also I have another week of serving to go at work, my boss is very determined that I get this job down and become one of the best servers there before continuing. He seems generally happy with what I've done thus far though, and I'm certainly happy to keep making $50-$100 tax free per night.
I may be anonymous, but I'm still your mom, hee hee. Anyway, how do you get away with the tax free thing? Different in Alberta? Cause your sister has to sort of keep track and report her tips here in Ontario? The pictures are terrific, can't wait to consume some good stuff in that bar. And Banff Springs looks nice although you were a bit far away. Love mom
Thought I would check on the Banff Springs (that would be the Fairmont Banff Springs) Hotel. As soon as I saw the Fairmont, I knew I was in trouble. The rooms start at $300 a night!!!! Eeek! And i thought I would stay for a while. Silly me. Are there any other places in town? love mom
yea anybody that comes to see me can stay in the Mount Royal Hotel (right next to my restaurant) for a huge discount. The rooms are abotu $150 a night, and I htink the discount is about half.
tell them i made $5 last night then
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