Well it's been a week since I got the LASIK done and man...this is so cool. It's still sinking in that I'm not actually wearing glasses and am still constantly forgetting that I don't actually need to take my contacts out, or that I my glasses aren't sitting on my face, or that I didn't actually sleep in my contacts. It may be a bit early still, but I'd definitely recommend the surgery to pretty well anybody not only as convenient and liberating, but also as economical in the long run.
In other news it's my last day at Tony Roma's on Sunday. 75-80hour work weeks caught up to me and I was just constantly frustrated at my lack of free time. I chose to stay at the internet cafe full time instead of Tony's entirely because of wage and financial considerations: when I get paid the same amount to blog at a job with predicatble and fully flexible schedule, why would I choose the other one? I've really enjoyed my time in both places (as much as one can enjoy work) and felt that I've grown fairly strong in my position at Tony's. It's also been rather vindicating that a large number of staff have expressed regret to me that I'm leaving. AH well...business is business.
In replacement, I've picked up (and am still setting up because of conflicting schedules and eye surgeries) a driving job -- mostly to the airport and back. It promises to pay me the same as (if not more than) Tony's at a drastic reduction in hours. Looking forward to getting that off the ground.
In other news it's fully summer out here (nevermind yesterday's snowfall on the mountains) and we seem to have completely skipped spring over. The unusually warm weather in combination with the unusually large snow-dump on the mountaintops have combined to create some pretty awesome river swells and flooding in parts of town here and to a much greater extent in Calgary. Things weren't helped by the large amount of rain we've had lately (including the construction through town, which I'll chat about in a second).
Anyway here are some pics for you. They're from a morning walk to work a while ago as well as a stop I made yesterday to the Bow Falls to see it for myself. With the river as high as it was (flooding parts of town, like i said), i had to check out the falls for myself. For comparison, check how they looked back in October (i took some pics and posted them very early on in my blog here). The ones with the Lake and Mount Rundle were taken by Tracey and Dave.

So I mentioned construction...
The main street of town and the cross-streets for it are under construction for the entire summer. They are re-doing everything: pipes, road service, wiring, sidewalks, seating along the road, plants...everything. And yes, I said the entire summer. How great is this?
The bumping in the street has caused a pipe in the restuarants upstairs to break. Guess where the water goes everytime they use a sink? Oh yea...get to empty our buckets every hour or so at work here. I also like the dust and, even better because of all the rain, al the mud that is our main roadway. I'm actually almost looking forward to when they just close the entire street off (you can still drive on one side only) because it means that cars won't be throwing dust down the stairs into the iCafe anymore :p
As beauitful as I'm sure it will be when it's done, it's too bad that the summer that I'm out here the whole downtown area is something of an eyesore. Ah well...like i said -- will be great when it's done. Maybe I'll post some pictures of it to balance all the pretty ones I put up.
In other news it's my last day at Tony Roma's on Sunday. 75-80hour work weeks caught up to me and I was just constantly frustrated at my lack of free time. I chose to stay at the internet cafe full time instead of Tony's entirely because of wage and financial considerations: when I get paid the same amount to blog at a job with predicatble and fully flexible schedule, why would I choose the other one? I've really enjoyed my time in both places (as much as one can enjoy work) and felt that I've grown fairly strong in my position at Tony's. It's also been rather vindicating that a large number of staff have expressed regret to me that I'm leaving. AH well...business is business.
In replacement, I've picked up (and am still setting up because of conflicting schedules and eye surgeries) a driving job -- mostly to the airport and back. It promises to pay me the same as (if not more than) Tony's at a drastic reduction in hours. Looking forward to getting that off the ground.
In other news it's fully summer out here (nevermind yesterday's snowfall on the mountains) and we seem to have completely skipped spring over. The unusually warm weather in combination with the unusually large snow-dump on the mountaintops have combined to create some pretty awesome river swells and flooding in parts of town here and to a much greater extent in Calgary. Things weren't helped by the large amount of rain we've had lately (including the construction through town, which I'll chat about in a second).
Anyway here are some pics for you. They're from a morning walk to work a while ago as well as a stop I made yesterday to the Bow Falls to see it for myself. With the river as high as it was (flooding parts of town, like i said), i had to check out the falls for myself. For comparison, check how they looked back in October (i took some pics and posted them very early on in my blog here). The ones with the Lake and Mount Rundle were taken by Tracey and Dave.

So I mentioned construction...
The main street of town and the cross-streets for it are under construction for the entire summer. They are re-doing everything: pipes, road service, wiring, sidewalks, seating along the road, plants...everything. And yes, I said the entire summer. How great is this?
The bumping in the street has caused a pipe in the restuarants upstairs to break. Guess where the water goes everytime they use a sink? Oh yea...get to empty our buckets every hour or so at work here. I also like the dust and, even better because of all the rain, al the mud that is our main roadway. I'm actually almost looking forward to when they just close the entire street off (you can still drive on one side only) because it means that cars won't be throwing dust down the stairs into the iCafe anymore :p
As beauitful as I'm sure it will be when it's done, it's too bad that the summer that I'm out here the whole downtown area is something of an eyesore. Ah well...like i said -- will be great when it's done. Maybe I'll post some pictures of it to balance all the pretty ones I put up.
Beautiful pictures! Makes me wish I was back there with you. Just wanted to put my feet in the water or ride a horse down stream. Why don't you just find a permanent job out there and we'll all move out there with you? hee hee
as i stare at the screen with my dirty, smudgy glasses that i can't seem to clean enough, i once again express my jealousy that you somehow saved up all that $$ to get the surgery. maybe if i stick to my budget and pay off my car/student loans in the next 2 years as the plan goes right now, i'll get it done too...
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